This article in the Elephant Journal says there is something crucial missing from media coverage of the epidemic of drug addiction: the untapped power of a family to support a loved one through addiction.

This article in the Elephant Journal says there is something crucial missing from media coverage of the epidemic of drug addiction: the untapped power of a family to support a loved one through addiction.

Through interviews with former deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Tom McLellan and addiction specialist Dr. Robert Meyers, the author explores the tough love approach, which is the most common but also, often lethal.

Dr. Meyers says interventions and tough love corners families into a painful cycle with limited choices: either force the person into rehabilitation or detach and wait until they hit rock bottom—but often, the bottom means death. He created a different approach, CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training), on which we based Parent CRAFT.

Parent CRAFT is an interactive online skills training program for parents that is proven to be more successful than traditional “tough love” methods of dealing with family members struggling with substance abuse. It enables parents to intervene much earlier, strengthen their bond and change drug and alcohol behaviors of their teen or young adult before they hit rock bottom.

Read the full article: The Elephant Journal, “The Myth of Tough Love: A New Tool for Supporting Loved Ones Through Addiction”